The Long Journey

A journey of a thousand miles begins by taking the first step: Confucious

Can government schools in Pakistan be made to conform to the standards of modern education? The government, donors, NGOs and philanthropists believe that it is idealistic and ambitious. It is neither. The fact of the matter is that it has never been taken up with any conviction or seriousness by the policy makers, donors, NGOs, and the philanthropists. ‘Something is better than nothing’ has been the perfect recipe for settling for poor policies and sub-standard education.


In modernizing a limited number of government schools the objective is not to take over government responsibilities. The objective is to bring about a paradigm shift in government schools. To establish the elements of what is meant by modern education and professional management practices. And to demonstrate that government schools, too, within the limited resources, can be happy and meaningful institutions of learning.


It is hoped that this first step, starting with the Junior Model Government Girls School, moving to the SMB Fatima Jinnah Government Girls School, and now scaling up that reform process in 85 government schools (11,500 students) in Lodhran, is the beginning of a long and rewarding journey towards reforming the education sector in Pakistan as a whole.


With Lodhran, the real journey has just begun.